Leonardo da Vinci

Key Contributions

  • Designs of Flying Machines
  • Vitruvian Man

Designs of Flying Machines

Leonardo sketched visionary flying machines, including designs for a helicopter and a glider, showcasing his understanding of aerodynamics.

Vitruvian Man

The Vitruvian Man exemplifies Leonardo's exploration of the human body's proportions and its relation to geometry.

About Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci was a polymath of the Italian Renaissance, renowned for his contributions to art, science, and engineering. His works like *Mona Lisa* and *The Last Supper* are celebrated globally.

Details About His Work

Art and Science: Leonardo merged art and science to create inventions and studies that were centuries ahead of his time. His notebooks are filled with anatomical studies, mechanical designs, and artistic explorations.

Related Images

Flying Machine Design Vitruvian Man Mona Lisa
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